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Wine Sales Strategies for Restaurants |Sommcloud's Wine Consultants

Written by Geno Tomko | Dec 6, 2023 12:52:00 PM

In the fine dining world, the decision between offering wine by the glass or by the bottle is more than just a service choice; it's a strategic move that can significantly impact your restaurant's ambiance, customer satisfaction, and profitability. While by-the-glass options cater to diverse preferences and encourage exploration, by-the-bottle sales streamline service and enhance revenue. Let's explore the advantages and considerations of each approach to help you determine the best strategy for your restaurant, with insights from Sommcloud's expert wine consultants.

The Advantages of Wine by the Glass

  • Diversity and Exploration: Offering wine by the glass meets the growing consumer demand for variety. It allows guests to pair different wines with various courses, enhancing their dining experience. This flexibility is especially appealing to solo diners or those looking to explore without the commitment of a full bottle.
  • Increased Sales Opportunities: By-the-glass service can lead to more sales, as customers might be inclined to try multiple wines, potentially increasing revenue compared to selling full bottles.
  • Quality Assurance: Serving wine by the glass also means you can guarantee the freshness and quality of each pour, especially when using proper preservation methods like nitrogen systems or wine dispensers.

The Benefits of Selling Wine by the Bottle

  • Streamlined Service and Efficiency: Bottle service saves significant time and resources. It eliminates the frequent back-and-forth of serving individual glasses and reduces delays caused by bar congestion or glassware shortages.
  • Enhanced Profit Margins: Selling wine by the bottle can positively impact your profit margins. It also requires less frequent attention from staff, allowing them to focus on other aspects of service.
  • Reduced Operational Challenges: Bottle sales contribute to lower glass breakage, improved COGS, and faster service, all while boosting revenue.

Making the Right Choice for Your Restaurant

The optimal wine sales strategy depends on your restaurant's unique dynamics, including customer preferences, operational capacity, and financial goals. Some establishments benefit from the variety and flexibility of by-the-glass sales, while others find that by-the-bottle sales align better with their service model and revenue objectives.

To make an informed decision, consider factors like your clientele's wine consumption habits, the layout and size of your establishment, and your staff's ability to manage and preserve a diverse wine inventory. Gathering industry data, understanding inventory management practices, and considering customer experiences are all crucial steps in this process.


Whether you choose to focus on by-the-glass or by-the-bottle sales, aligning your wine program with your restaurant's overall vision and customer expectations is crucial. As a trusted service, we're equipped to help you navigate these decisions, ensuring that your wine program not only meets but exceeds the expectations of your patrons. Contact us today for tailored advice and support in developing a wine sales strategy that elevates your restaurant's dining experience.

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At Sommcloud, we provide you with a restaurant ready wine list that can stand up to the best in the country. We leverage data, not opinions, to source wines that sell in your region, assuring your wine list is a powerful financial tool.